all about autumn

Friday, February 6, 2009


I have recently read two books that have to do with near death experiences and they have made me reflect back to the many times that Heaven's power have been manifested in my life. I'm sure I don't even know of the times I have received assistance, but the ones I am aware of I treasure. They have been spoken deep within my soul, leaving its mark on my heart. I am so thankful for those experinces!
However, I know that I often forget my importance as a child of God. Reading these individuals experiences have made heaven fell closer, they are obviously aware and concerned for each of us. I should write down ALL my recalled memories over my life time, for they do come and go. Its the most recent that are easily remembered.
As I have reflected on my own lifes experiences, I have thought about a blessing I got for my tooth. (It's a long terrible story about being toothless and in pain. All for the sake of having beautiful white front teeth. Beauty pays one way or the other. lol!) Any how after feeling frustrated with the pain from eating and cold (after finally getting my fake new tooth to stay permentantly in my mouth), I turned to Gary for a blessing. The council I was give was to be 'patient.' Well that was not what I wanted to hear. I felt like I had been patient through the whole ordeal (and it was an ordeal, the kind that sounded like fiction) But I have patiently waited for this pain to go away, without getting a root canal. Well as I have tried to focus on other things my pain as ease. It's not gone, but now its bareable.
However, my other efforts (writing) have been taking over my energy (that should be good, right?) Yet I want my efforts to bare fruit. I have been discouraged over this, for the new school year's blessing I was told to have patience.
That patience thing has been hard for me. It was just days ago I thought, "I wonder if this patience council with my tooth is for me to be able to visualize the patience I need to have with my other efforts in life such as writing. It was then I felt like it was okay to have this affliction. I do know that all of these things are to give us experience and be for our good.
Hope my ramblings make since.


Curtis Moser said...

I just wanted to take a minute to post here and tell you what an inspiration you are to me, Danette! You are so dedicated to writing and following your dreams, and I admire that. Thanks for being such a good writer friend.

Gloria said...

PATIENCE... what a great virtue to apply to all things in life!

Unknown said...

Most of my life I have been quite patient. I don't often worry about things happening right away, but I have never suffered much in my life with pain. The one thing I am impatient about is seeing all of my family finding true happiness. That is very important to me. I love every child and grand child and their mates and children. I pray always for their happiness.