all about autumn

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Riley our sentence boy

Our second grade Riley’s school work. His teacher put at the top, “Excellent sentences.”
These are typed as he spelled them. The ones in italics are the ones his teacher circled. I guess that is the word he is supposed to use in the sentence.

1. Do you know what inqisitive means?
2. We will protest against clinging to a tree.
3. Let’s collaborate to aim an arrow.
4. We are going to a magnificent gallery.
5. We will plunge into coloring a vivid picture.
6. It is futile that I’ll ever be famous.
7. I’m marooned in this ridiculous desert.

I laughed at how well he made up sentences. I told him he would have to be the writer since he writes better than I do. I even had to ask him what marooned meant. He said, “it means you are alone.” Like okay mom I’ll educate you.


Gloria said...

I always knew he was a special gift!

Curtis Moser said...

Hahahahaha! Riley is a genius! Get his started writing young, I always say. Otherwise, they'll never develop the fortitude to stick with it.

Kent said...

It seems like we spend two years children to walk and talk, and the rest of their lives telling them to sit down and be quiet.

I am realizing lately that I there is an exchange of roles sometimes and our children become our teachers. We have the choice of correcting them or calming ourselves and learning from the experience.