all about autumn

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


The other day (before Halloween) Gary brought home the companies golf cart because there is no where to store it at the University, my children have had a 'hay day' with it. Our grass is worn down outside from their constant driving around the house. It's funny Aubree gets home from school first, she watching the clock until it's time to pick up Adam, she then drives down in the cart to pick him up. They have driven that thing day and night. Luckily it doesn't do hills very well so they stay close to home. (It's pretty heavy to push back up the hill.) After the first day or so the kids went around the neighborhood and annouced they were giving rides for 25 cents. They made $7.5o. We couldn't do anything but laugh. Well now it has a flat tire so it has stopped the run on rides. (Thankfully, give me a breather) At the same time it has been fun to see them enjoy themselves so much. They back it into the big garage have the time without looking back (scary!) Adam believes he is a good driver now. HaHa. Children always keep you going.
(I've been waiting to post a picture but I don't know where the camera is half the time and I don't know how to download it to the computer--I have to learn, so you will have to envision it in your head)


Curtis Moser said...

$7.50?! Sounds like a solid business idea! Maybe Gary and I can come up with some kind of way to exploit that!!

Danette said...

Founders day, we are going to decorate it to look like a wagon, charge a dollar for the kid to drive, imagine how much money we can make!! Kids would forfeit going to the rodeo just to drive--right!