all about autumn

Monday, November 3, 2008

Power Outage.

Yesterday for church we dashed into the building because the rain was pouring down like . . .rain. Once we got inside the building there were no lights on. It was dark and getting crowded. We made our way into the gym (because we never make in time to sit in the benches, however we did make in time to sit in the patted folded-chairs) Thankfully the emergency lights were on. Our children (all children) exclaimed how "Cool" it was that the power was out. I thought, "I wonder what this is going to be like." SOON the Bishop yelled, "A power pole is down and it will be hours before it comes back on. Our emergency lights will go out in another ten minutes, so we are cancelling church--go home and be with your families." Well the children thought this whole experience was the best! They laughed as we ran through the pouring rain to our cars. Gary and I laughed that the power was out, it rained yes, along with the wind; but how a power pole was disturbed was beyond us, must be a Wellsville thing.
Once we got home Gary had us sit in the living room. He started a fire and then announced that we would be holding our own testimony meeting.
I cannot adequately tell you what a special experience this ended up being. Each of us bore our testimony. All of us cried (except Gary). It was definitly an experience that will be remembered!! Aubree closed our meeting thanking the Lord for our spiritual experience.
The love that was felt the rest of the day was great. (okay it was fleeting every now and then but still there.) We later when the power came back on,(it took five and half hours,) we watched Patch Adam's and the children were able to see how important it was to care for others. When Adam said the closing prayer for the night he said again, "thanks for the spiritual day."
It's times like this that I say: "Maybe we are on the right track."


Larry said...

I remember back to some of the things our family did when our children were all home with pleasure. The hand of the Lord is in all things. Love them while they are close.

Valerie said...

What a wonderful experiance- maybe it is good that we never got over there to ruin the mood j/k- it was good to see you guys even if it was for a short while- it was a REALLY quick trip- talk to you later :)

Valerie said...

What a wonderful experiance- maybe it is good that we never got over there to ruin the mood j/k- it was good to see you guys even if it was for a short while- it was a REALLY quick trip- talk to you later :)

Kent said...

I really miss the times that the kids were at home. We are looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with part of them. We'll be thinking of you too. We love you.

Gloria said...

I am grateful your family had this spiritual experience. The strength you can receive it will help you. May you continue to have these growing together times! love ya!