all about autumn

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


After going to the school and talking about a boy swallowing some gum, my mind has been going crazy. I have a story I now want to create. Billybob was one of the names this cute boy suggested when I was their talking with the class. SO it's only appropiate to use that name. I loved it the second he said it. SO on Sunday I wrote this quirky poem. (Yes, I was still listening to the meeting)

Billybob was not like other girls and boys,
he didn't spend hours playing with toys,
instead he used his time looking for his favorite treat;
which was usually found under someones seat.

Hidden under bleachers and chairs,
stick something Billybob thinks is as yummy as eclairs.

Wonderful colors like pink, purple and green
give Billybob a delightful sensation that makes him want to scream.

Though he has to pry them off with his pocket knife,
this brings him a smile filled with life.

"I'll combine at least three."
He exclaims, "they're all for me."

In his mouth they go.
Chewing ABC gum give him a sour glow.
"I just don't want anyone to know."


Valerie said...

You crack me up- Ha ha ha ha

Reynolds Couple said...

That is so cute. Your riddle...when we read it we could just see the sparkle in your eye, we could hear the tone of your voice along with the laughter after it was told. Thanks for being you. You bring a smile and happiness to us.

Kent said...

I bet that Billy Bob is red headed and freckled. I can just picture him.

Curtis Moser said...

Hilarious! Hahaha!