all about autumn

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


My mom is now the Relief Society Pres. (and I know she will do a great job). She asked me if I would write her a poem that she could use throught the year. So I thought I would share what I wrote.

Behold the handmaiden of the Lord!
Who hears His voice and follows it with one accord.

Loyalty clings to every fiber of her being.
Devotion and duty to her King is what she sings.

Humbly she attends to others who need her healing hand.
For that's how it was planned,
to mimic and understand that love can conquer all the ails of man.

She willingly serves in attempt to preserve the Master's word.

Her efforts are showered with support from above.
And she knows she is God's beloved.

With gratitude she lives her life, reguardless of any strife.

Self-discipline does not rob her of compassion,
She does everthing with simple acts of fashion,
Caring and sharing without any thoughts of rationing.

But ultimately it's her spirituality that gives her a radiant glow.
Being faithful and patient are qualities she knows.
And if she serves to the best of her ability
She will receive sweet tranquitity
From the one she has devote her life to.

In her heart she will know that she's been nothing but true.


Kent said...

The message of your poem is beautiful.

Unknown said...

Danette,the poem is beautiful, So is the person for whom it is written.
Gloria, I didn't know of your new calling. Congratulations.

Andrea said...

That was very nice, and yep, I see the person it's written about! :D

Gloria said...

Yep all us women can be that handmaiden of the Lord. thanks Nett.

Gloria said...

Danette I sent the poem last week to the Ensign via email... just wanted you to know.