Christmas was successful. All the children were pleased with their gifts. (thank heavens) And then it snowed, and snowed. We stayed nice and toasty inside. The following day brought more snow, we have received more snow in this last week then we did in one month last year (I can't tell you what month that was but I'm sure my calculations are right).
When it was safe to go out onto the roads again we went to the new movie "Bedtime Stories" with Adam Sandler. OKAY this is my new Favorite movie. I laughed and smiled and laughed and smiled. IT was a writers treat. SO go see it and tell me what you think.
We now are focusing on Riley's baptism which will be on Saturday. Then I think I can breathe a little easier.
all about autumn
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The Young Mary
Okay so this is a part that I wrote for the young women in our ward, my friend asked me to come and did this reading for their Christmas program. After I read it we played "Mary, did you know" by Kenny Rogers (one of my favorite christmas songs) It went well. We also made cute baby Jesus's out of material that we gave them. It was fun to do.
The Young Mary
Ever since I was young I’ve been respectful, especially to my Elders.
However, the older I became the more responsibility I was given. There were times that I felt like my parents had forgotten what it was like to be young and carefree, but as time passed I saw how this additional accountability helped me in the long run.
My mother would say, “Mary, Mary, you were destined for greatness.” I thought that was her way to convince me to do my chores without complaint. The sweet smile she would give me always made me feel loved.
Then came that day when everything changed. I returned from selling items at the market. Shortly after I walked in my father summoned me into the sitting room. My eye quickly caught sight of Joseph, son of Jacob who labored near by. I always saw him carrying wood from place to place. I knew Joseph was strong and dependable.
Once I made eye contact with him, he smiled kindly at me. I wondered why he was in my home.
My father said, “Joseph has asked for your hand in marriage.”
My mouth dropped open. I had to hurry and cover it before I appeared rude. Joseph’s eyes sparkled and kindness spread across his firm features.
Fear stuck my heart. I wasn’t that I was afraid of Joseph but this new responsibility. Would I be the wife he wanted? Could I measure up to his aspirations? As I stared at Joseph a new feeling came over me, for the first time I really wanted to make someone happy by my actions. But doubt seeped into my heart, I still felt young, would I be able to please him?
As I sat out by the olive tree behind our house, I got lost in my contemplations of my future.
Out of nowhere a bright light descended out of the sky. Then a white robed man stood before me saying, “Low thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with three; blessed art thou among women.”
I was baffled at his words; me—favored? A lowly girl, confused with her purpose.
Again the angel spoke, “Fear not, Mary.”
He knew my name, I sat straight.
He exclaimed, “Thou hast found favor with God.”
My heart melted, God knew me personally?
He then informed, “Thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great and shall be called the Son of the Highest.”
I immediately asked, “How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?”
The angel answered, “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of Highest shall overshadow thee.”
I stared at him in amazement.
He cleared his throat and said, “Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” He leaned forward as if revealing a secret. “And behold thy cousin Elisabeth hath also conceived a son in her old age. For with God nothing shall be impossible.”
After hearing this my heart softened, I bowed my head and said, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy word.” When I looked back up at him he smiled tenderly at me then vanished into thin air.
I sat dumbfounded; I had just seen an angel and he declared that I was favored of God. I WAS going to carry His son. My heart burned deep within me.
I ran into the house to tell my mother. She exclaimed, “Mary, Mary, the blessed. I knew you would do something important.”
I knew then I had to show forth faith.
Joseph, however, wasn’t so convinced. He was about to put me away when an angel visited him in a dream saying, “Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins.” The angel then told Joseph, “Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying, behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Emmanuel,
which being interpreted is God with us.”
After Joseph had this dream, he took me as his wife.
I visited Elisabeth to share in her joy, when I hugged her she exclaimed that her baby leaped inside her womb. The Holy Ghost filled her and she said, “Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.”
Her words were much like the angel’s they warmed my soul.
When she said, “Whence is this to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”
I paused, would I be able to carry this child and be the mother I was meant to be? Oh how I wanted to magnify the Lord, for my spirit rejoiced in God my Savior. I replied, “He hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden; for, behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is, might hath done to me great things and holy is his name.”
I felt the awesome responsibility rest on my shoulders and yet I was honored to be chosen as the one who would bring for God’s son.
Tax time came and we were ordered to Judaea unto the city of David. I was heavy with child. Joseph cared for me as I rode the long distance on a donkey. The narrow road was hard to travel on.
By the time we arrived into Bethlehem it was late and I was sore and tired.
Joseph tired to find us a place to lay; but there was no room in the inn’s.
Inn after Inn we were turned away.
Finally an Inn keeper had mercy on us and allowed us to stay in a stable.
Joseph apologized over and over for our meager accommodations.
Thankfully our place was private, for it was there that I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy.
He was perfect, full brown hair, sparkling blue eyes, tiny fingers and toes.
Though his birth place was less than appropriate, we witnessed the special way that God chose to proclaim His son’s birth. Shepherds’ arrived declaring that an angel had come upon them saying, “Fear not for behold I bring you glad tidings of great joy which shall be to all people, for unto you, is born this day in the city of David, a Savior which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you, ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.”
Their words only solidified the divine nature of my son. I already felt his greatness as I held him. Amazingly, I had just wrapped Jesus in what I had. And yet the angel knew of my doing. I loved knowing that God was watching over His son here on earth.
It was then I wanted to serve God to the best of my ability.
The values I had been taught to believe in, must be carried on to my wonderful son, so he too would learn them. I wanted him to know about the importance of faith, good works and integrity.
The joy I felt in my soul that night CANNOT be put into words. The love that swelled in my heart seemed to have doubled its size.
Joseph lovely cared for us both.
When the wise men found us after following the new star in the heavens, my confirmation that God would protect us was confirmed. Their offered gifts helped us keep hidden from King Herod, who wanted my precious son dead.
As I served my son, which was here to save mankind, my mind lacked the ability to fully comprehend this enormous task.
But then he called me “mother” and I knew that my own mother was right—Mary was important. I, Mary, was the mother of the Son of God. The Savior of the world!
I started out as a mere young woman, who was taught that I had individual worth. With this knowledge I grew up to fulfill the greatest calling that one could have— that of being a mother.
A mother that carries on the vital love that one must feel, the love that my loving Savior bestows upon all.
If there is one advice I could give, it would be to live worthy to fulfill any calling that comes to you from the Lord.
For all who love God are favored of Him.
We are all the handmaidens of the Lord.
The Young Mary
Ever since I was young I’ve been respectful, especially to my Elders.
However, the older I became the more responsibility I was given. There were times that I felt like my parents had forgotten what it was like to be young and carefree, but as time passed I saw how this additional accountability helped me in the long run.
My mother would say, “Mary, Mary, you were destined for greatness.” I thought that was her way to convince me to do my chores without complaint. The sweet smile she would give me always made me feel loved.
Then came that day when everything changed. I returned from selling items at the market. Shortly after I walked in my father summoned me into the sitting room. My eye quickly caught sight of Joseph, son of Jacob who labored near by. I always saw him carrying wood from place to place. I knew Joseph was strong and dependable.
Once I made eye contact with him, he smiled kindly at me. I wondered why he was in my home.
My father said, “Joseph has asked for your hand in marriage.”
My mouth dropped open. I had to hurry and cover it before I appeared rude. Joseph’s eyes sparkled and kindness spread across his firm features.
Fear stuck my heart. I wasn’t that I was afraid of Joseph but this new responsibility. Would I be the wife he wanted? Could I measure up to his aspirations? As I stared at Joseph a new feeling came over me, for the first time I really wanted to make someone happy by my actions. But doubt seeped into my heart, I still felt young, would I be able to please him?
As I sat out by the olive tree behind our house, I got lost in my contemplations of my future.
Out of nowhere a bright light descended out of the sky. Then a white robed man stood before me saying, “Low thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with three; blessed art thou among women.”
I was baffled at his words; me—favored? A lowly girl, confused with her purpose.
Again the angel spoke, “Fear not, Mary.”
He knew my name, I sat straight.
He exclaimed, “Thou hast found favor with God.”
My heart melted, God knew me personally?
He then informed, “Thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great and shall be called the Son of the Highest.”
I immediately asked, “How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?”
The angel answered, “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of Highest shall overshadow thee.”
I stared at him in amazement.
He cleared his throat and said, “Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.” He leaned forward as if revealing a secret. “And behold thy cousin Elisabeth hath also conceived a son in her old age. For with God nothing shall be impossible.”
After hearing this my heart softened, I bowed my head and said, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it unto me according to thy word.” When I looked back up at him he smiled tenderly at me then vanished into thin air.
I sat dumbfounded; I had just seen an angel and he declared that I was favored of God. I WAS going to carry His son. My heart burned deep within me.
I ran into the house to tell my mother. She exclaimed, “Mary, Mary, the blessed. I knew you would do something important.”
I knew then I had to show forth faith.
Joseph, however, wasn’t so convinced. He was about to put me away when an angel visited him in a dream saying, “Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins.” The angel then told Joseph, “Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying, behold a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son and they shall call his name Emmanuel,
which being interpreted is God with us.”
After Joseph had this dream, he took me as his wife.
I visited Elisabeth to share in her joy, when I hugged her she exclaimed that her baby leaped inside her womb. The Holy Ghost filled her and she said, “Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.”
Her words were much like the angel’s they warmed my soul.
When she said, “Whence is this to me that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”
I paused, would I be able to carry this child and be the mother I was meant to be? Oh how I wanted to magnify the Lord, for my spirit rejoiced in God my Savior. I replied, “He hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden; for, behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is, might hath done to me great things and holy is his name.”
I felt the awesome responsibility rest on my shoulders and yet I was honored to be chosen as the one who would bring for God’s son.
Tax time came and we were ordered to Judaea unto the city of David. I was heavy with child. Joseph cared for me as I rode the long distance on a donkey. The narrow road was hard to travel on.
By the time we arrived into Bethlehem it was late and I was sore and tired.
Joseph tired to find us a place to lay; but there was no room in the inn’s.
Inn after Inn we were turned away.
Finally an Inn keeper had mercy on us and allowed us to stay in a stable.
Joseph apologized over and over for our meager accommodations.
Thankfully our place was private, for it was there that I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy.
He was perfect, full brown hair, sparkling blue eyes, tiny fingers and toes.
Though his birth place was less than appropriate, we witnessed the special way that God chose to proclaim His son’s birth. Shepherds’ arrived declaring that an angel had come upon them saying, “Fear not for behold I bring you glad tidings of great joy which shall be to all people, for unto you, is born this day in the city of David, a Savior which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you, ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.”
Their words only solidified the divine nature of my son. I already felt his greatness as I held him. Amazingly, I had just wrapped Jesus in what I had. And yet the angel knew of my doing. I loved knowing that God was watching over His son here on earth.
It was then I wanted to serve God to the best of my ability.
The values I had been taught to believe in, must be carried on to my wonderful son, so he too would learn them. I wanted him to know about the importance of faith, good works and integrity.
The joy I felt in my soul that night CANNOT be put into words. The love that swelled in my heart seemed to have doubled its size.
Joseph lovely cared for us both.
When the wise men found us after following the new star in the heavens, my confirmation that God would protect us was confirmed. Their offered gifts helped us keep hidden from King Herod, who wanted my precious son dead.
As I served my son, which was here to save mankind, my mind lacked the ability to fully comprehend this enormous task.
But then he called me “mother” and I knew that my own mother was right—Mary was important. I, Mary, was the mother of the Son of God. The Savior of the world!
I started out as a mere young woman, who was taught that I had individual worth. With this knowledge I grew up to fulfill the greatest calling that one could have— that of being a mother.
A mother that carries on the vital love that one must feel, the love that my loving Savior bestows upon all.
If there is one advice I could give, it would be to live worthy to fulfill any calling that comes to you from the Lord.
For all who love God are favored of Him.
We are all the handmaidens of the Lord.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Birthday Time
Yesterday before church Adam asks to open his one present under the tree from Grandma and Grandpa Vance. (see I haven't given in on placing more under the tree) We told him after church he could, since Monday is his birthday.
While the children were at church Gary and I zipped home, or should I say skidded. (There was a good amount of snow on the roads.) SO we could put out his presents--That way we wouldn't have to worry about it in the morning. Gary also made a bed for Riley and it was out in the big garage. We figured it would be easier to put it together and surprize them both. Well after we finished setting up, we skidded back to the church house. The second I walked in the door, Aubree sees me and says, "Riley's sick." I guess Riley threw-up a little in his mouth and started to cry, so the teacher takes him out of class to find me. She said I didn't answer her, she noticed he had something he was holding in his mouth. She took him to a trash can and he spit out what was in his mouth. (Thank heavens it wasn't all over the floor. My kids are doing well. Adam threw up on the bus the other day but he got it in the trash can. I'm all about easy clean-up.) Both episodes were fluke things. Adam's was because of his breathing treatment and eating too fast in the early hours of the morning. And Riley? who's to say. Once I got him home he didn't ever act sick. He did get a paper cut on his finger that he complained alot about but that was it. I kept him up stairs so he wouldn't see his new bed before he was suppose to. Once he saw Adam's new bike he thought that was cool. Amazingly he was home for about ten minutes before he saw it next to the Christmas tree.
I went back and got the family from church. When Adam saw his presents he got all excited. After that hype we told Riley he needed to go to bed since he wasn't feeling well. He didn't want to. We dragged him, telling him he should go lay down. It was fun when he finally saw the bed. He no longer has a heart, girly bed. Gary made a nice one out of Cherry and rod iron.
SO our present ripping has already begun.
While the children were at church Gary and I zipped home, or should I say skidded. (There was a good amount of snow on the roads.) SO we could put out his presents--That way we wouldn't have to worry about it in the morning. Gary also made a bed for Riley and it was out in the big garage. We figured it would be easier to put it together and surprize them both. Well after we finished setting up, we skidded back to the church house. The second I walked in the door, Aubree sees me and says, "Riley's sick." I guess Riley threw-up a little in his mouth and started to cry, so the teacher takes him out of class to find me. She said I didn't answer her, she noticed he had something he was holding in his mouth. She took him to a trash can and he spit out what was in his mouth. (Thank heavens it wasn't all over the floor. My kids are doing well. Adam threw up on the bus the other day but he got it in the trash can. I'm all about easy clean-up.) Both episodes were fluke things. Adam's was because of his breathing treatment and eating too fast in the early hours of the morning. And Riley? who's to say. Once I got him home he didn't ever act sick. He did get a paper cut on his finger that he complained alot about but that was it. I kept him up stairs so he wouldn't see his new bed before he was suppose to. Once he saw Adam's new bike he thought that was cool. Amazingly he was home for about ten minutes before he saw it next to the Christmas tree.
I went back and got the family from church. When Adam saw his presents he got all excited. After that hype we told Riley he needed to go to bed since he wasn't feeling well. He didn't want to. We dragged him, telling him he should go lay down. It was fun when he finally saw the bed. He no longer has a heart, girly bed. Gary made a nice one out of Cherry and rod iron.
SO our present ripping has already begun.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Christmas Time
I get so excited to set up my Christmas Trees. When we moved here we had to get a new tree (yeah) The old tree looked like a miniture in the living room with our tall ceilings. So we bought a 12 foot tree. Yes we have to get out the latter to set it up, but it looks so good. I personally would leave the lights on all month--day and night--if I could, their is just something about Christmas lights. Adam said before we set them up, "I love how they light up the room." A few years ago I had the strongest impression that Christmas lights remind us of our Savior in that He lights the way through the darkness. IT's His light that pierces through the darkest times.
This year I have decided to hold off placing the presents under the tree, last year we put them under the tree way too early, I think the kids figured out what everything was long before, or they unwrapped it at the corner. Already Adam is begging for me to put them under the tree. (most of them are wrapped already--impressive huh? Have to hide them somehow.) I told him I wasn't going to put them out until after his birthday. (one more week) But he has a way of breaking down my will, (begging) I think I will only put out half of what I have, just for fun. Now that I'm the parent I can do that. Thank heavens I was never the type that peeked!! I love secrets! HA
This year I have decided to hold off placing the presents under the tree, last year we put them under the tree way too early, I think the kids figured out what everything was long before, or they unwrapped it at the corner. Already Adam is begging for me to put them under the tree. (most of them are wrapped already--impressive huh? Have to hide them somehow.) I told him I wasn't going to put them out until after his birthday. (one more week) But he has a way of breaking down my will, (begging) I think I will only put out half of what I have, just for fun. Now that I'm the parent I can do that. Thank heavens I was never the type that peeked!! I love secrets! HA
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The other day Adam found an ad with an item he wants for Christmas. The creative kid took about five copies of it, stapled it to colored paper and wrote, "great idea for Adam's gift." He placed it on the computer, on his daddy's pillow, on his mom's pillow, in the kitchen, and my favorite: inside the T.P. roll. After all this effort we can't help but get the item right??? Funny children.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Adam's Eagle Ceremony
There he is, we are so proud of him. There were five boys that got their Eagle. We had the ceremony in the old tabernacle in town. A few service men did a flag ceremony which was neat. Each fold had a meaning, it was very touching. Then each boy received a flag that was flown over the capital for them. On the table that Adam is standing next to are the gifts he received; the eagle that is carved was from Grandma and Grandpa Vance. It's a shelf that Grandma made herself. She did an excellent job. And Adam is so-o excited about it. Then the fleece blanket that has his Eagle date embroidered on it is from his parents. The photo of Christ with the colored child is a card that Liz Swindle painted, it's to remind Adam of the service project that he did. He helped collect items for an orphanage in Haiti. He also received some money. I believe he felt special and all those hours suddenly made it worth it.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The other day (before Halloween) Gary brought home the companies golf cart because there is no where to store it at the University, my children have had a 'hay day' with it. Our grass is worn down outside from their constant driving around the house. It's funny Aubree gets home from school first, she watching the clock until it's time to pick up Adam, she then drives down in the cart to pick him up. They have driven that thing day and night. Luckily it doesn't do hills very well so they stay close to home. (It's pretty heavy to push back up the hill.) After the first day or so the kids went around the neighborhood and annouced they were giving rides for 25 cents. They made $7.5o. We couldn't do anything but laugh. Well now it has a flat tire so it has stopped the run on rides. (Thankfully, give me a breather) At the same time it has been fun to see them enjoy themselves so much. They back it into the big garage have the time without looking back (scary!) Adam believes he is a good driver now. HaHa. Children always keep you going.
(I've been waiting to post a picture but I don't know where the camera is half the time and I don't know how to download it to the computer--I have to learn, so you will have to envision it in your head)
(I've been waiting to post a picture but I don't know where the camera is half the time and I don't know how to download it to the computer--I have to learn, so you will have to envision it in your head)
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Holiday Plans
This is our family above our house, the view is spectacular; but soon it will be covered with a big blanket of snow. Last year the kids winter pants and boots didn't dry until spring because they tubed all winter long. It sure makes me wonder what this winter will bring us. As I think about the upcoming events I have to hold onto my britches and hold my breath--Adam is getting his Eagle the Saturday after Thanksgiving with four other scouts. Now that he has accomplished this task we have unpinned him from the wall (haha that's our movitation technique that way he couldn't get away for us) He will then turn fourteen in December. I think he wants to get his patriarchal blessing as well. Riley will also have a birthday, he will be turning eight and getting baptized. (I can't believe my baby is growing up--he will always be that cute age of three to me) At least I won't have to throw a friend party for him, on their eighth birthday they get to go out with us parents to a movie and dinner of their choice, kind-of-a special date-memory thing. So I will be busy planning birthdays, Eagle awards, baptism, and being the elf that helps Santa. I guess I will have to deligate the cleaning the house for the holiday fun.
Hopefully all of your holiday plans will bring all you happiness! (and a little craziness so I'm not the only one crazy)
Monday, November 3, 2008
Power Outage.
Yesterday for church we dashed into the building because the rain was pouring down like . . .rain. Once we got inside the building there were no lights on. It was dark and getting crowded. We made our way into the gym (because we never make in time to sit in the benches, however we did make in time to sit in the patted folded-chairs) Thankfully the emergency lights were on. Our children (all children) exclaimed how "Cool" it was that the power was out. I thought, "I wonder what this is going to be like." SOON the Bishop yelled, "A power pole is down and it will be hours before it comes back on. Our emergency lights will go out in another ten minutes, so we are cancelling church--go home and be with your families." Well the children thought this whole experience was the best! They laughed as we ran through the pouring rain to our cars. Gary and I laughed that the power was out, it rained yes, along with the wind; but how a power pole was disturbed was beyond us, must be a Wellsville thing.
Once we got home Gary had us sit in the living room. He started a fire and then announced that we would be holding our own testimony meeting.
I cannot adequately tell you what a special experience this ended up being. Each of us bore our testimony. All of us cried (except Gary). It was definitly an experience that will be remembered!! Aubree closed our meeting thanking the Lord for our spiritual experience.
The love that was felt the rest of the day was great. (okay it was fleeting every now and then but still there.) We later when the power came back on,(it took five and half hours,) we watched Patch Adam's and the children were able to see how important it was to care for others. When Adam said the closing prayer for the night he said again, "thanks for the spiritual day."
It's times like this that I say: "Maybe we are on the right track."
Once we got home Gary had us sit in the living room. He started a fire and then announced that we would be holding our own testimony meeting.
I cannot adequately tell you what a special experience this ended up being. Each of us bore our testimony. All of us cried (except Gary). It was definitly an experience that will be remembered!! Aubree closed our meeting thanking the Lord for our spiritual experience.
The love that was felt the rest of the day was great. (okay it was fleeting every now and then but still there.) We later when the power came back on,(it took five and half hours,) we watched Patch Adam's and the children were able to see how important it was to care for others. When Adam said the closing prayer for the night he said again, "thanks for the spiritual day."
It's times like this that I say: "Maybe we are on the right track."
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I've been tagged.
Monica tagged me.(I was excited to see my name on Monica's blog--best of luck with the baby!) This is a photo that Gary took of Riley. It's just up the hill from our home. I do think he's cute but I'm his mother. We can't believe it, he's going to be eight in December. He'll always be three to me. He's mamma's little boy. When he leaves in the morning for school he makes sure I give him a hug and we tell each other we love each other. I've not had one do this before. Even though he's now in second grade I will never forget how cute he was as a kindergartner--we use to have to drive down our hill to get him to the bus. He would step up the steps on the bus then look back at me and wave. There wasn't a day that he didn't do this.
Okay so now I tag: Valerie, Bridget, Kent, and Gloria. You are to post the fourth picture from your computer picture file on your blog.
PS last year I thought of a tag game for my neighbors. Tag stood for Tender Acts Given. I gave some cookies to three ladies and they then were to tag (tender acts given) some one else. I was hoping to hear about it but never did, maybe someone else can try it and have success.

Okay so now I tag: Valerie, Bridget, Kent, and Gloria. You are to post the fourth picture from your computer picture file on your blog.
PS last year I thought of a tag game for my neighbors. Tag stood for Tender Acts Given. I gave some cookies to three ladies and they then were to tag (tender acts given) some one else. I was hoping to hear about it but never did, maybe someone else can try it and have success.
Monday, October 20, 2008
This past weekend we, (Gary and I and three other couples) went to the body show, It was a display of human bodies that have been plasticized so you can view how the human body looks. It was very informative. If you log onto their website, you can see a glimpse of what we saw. The human body is very complex. We were able to see blood vessels and tendons--everything. But the most impressive and humbling was the babies. In jars were the first stages, at nine weeks you could see the arms, hands, legs, backbone, eyes, the heart. I was blow away at the detail already at this stage. One interesting fact was the heart is the first organ formed and its the last organ to die. From there they the had babies from 18 weeks up for our viewing. They were so little and perfect. I wanted to hold one. There was definitely a reverance that accompanied their viewing. In fact, I think that is why after this display the sign up to be a donor was next; they must know seeing those precious babies did something to the heart.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Saturday Morning at 10:12: The snow is falling pretty hard. It’s covering the ground almost completely. An hour ago there were no signs of this white stuff. Gary kept debating what to do for their campout on Friday night. Instead of going into Ogden where they would then hike into camp they went to the church farms, which is only a few miles from where we live. HOWever, I wonder if they had their tents down before this sticky-wet substance starting dumping out of the sky. Thankfully, this last week I planted my tulps (I got some for my birthday, they are red.) Just two days ago, I bought the kids, who needed a coat for the winter, one. It makes me wonder if the framers almanac is going to right. What kind of winter is head?????
I'm not sure I'm ready for the kids to be stuck in the house, it's already dirty from me abandoning it to write. This will only mean it will remain worse for longer periods of time. (however I was paying Aubree a dollar to mop the floors. Money can be a wonderful tool.) I guess if the weather is now going to turn, I will write that sequel to Abish--The stripling warriors. I'm anxious to get it going. I've already plotted it out, now I just need to write it. I hope it will flow like Abish did. I've applied for a job and was told the boss was going to take a few weeks before he contacted me. My resume was impressive--haven't worked for fifteen years. Anyhow...we will see what comes of it. I believe it will be scheduling for insurance agents, so it will be more from home. BUT who knows if he will call. I'm still waiting to hear back from Cedar Fort on my manuscript, "Rubies Fire." I wish that would pan out. (they only have the first three chapters, so even if they are interested in reading the rest than I will have to do more waiting. It's frustration that it takes about six months to find out if they are interested or not)
Wow, now it's 10:32 and the snow has slowed to a faint drizzle. Weird, how out of no where it fell with its vengence. Hopefully that wasn't its winter warning.
I'm not sure I'm ready for the kids to be stuck in the house, it's already dirty from me abandoning it to write. This will only mean it will remain worse for longer periods of time. (however I was paying Aubree a dollar to mop the floors. Money can be a wonderful tool.) I guess if the weather is now going to turn, I will write that sequel to Abish--The stripling warriors. I'm anxious to get it going. I've already plotted it out, now I just need to write it. I hope it will flow like Abish did. I've applied for a job and was told the boss was going to take a few weeks before he contacted me. My resume was impressive--haven't worked for fifteen years. Anyhow...we will see what comes of it. I believe it will be scheduling for insurance agents, so it will be more from home. BUT who knows if he will call. I'm still waiting to hear back from Cedar Fort on my manuscript, "Rubies Fire." I wish that would pan out. (they only have the first three chapters, so even if they are interested in reading the rest than I will have to do more waiting. It's frustration that it takes about six months to find out if they are interested or not)
Wow, now it's 10:32 and the snow has slowed to a faint drizzle. Weird, how out of no where it fell with its vengence. Hopefully that wasn't its winter warning.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Halloween time, it's our favorite!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
for entertainment. They use Gary's tripod and take pictures of themselves jumping on the tramp. They even make videos--pretty creative children. That tramp has been the best thing!! They even run out during the winter to jump. Since their bedrooms are downstairs and the door out to the tramp is right there they are out there. It has been fun to see all the videos they film--their daddy started them on that. Crazy Hansens!! This winter Gary is going to take the tramp down so he doesn't have to shovel it. It will be interesting to see what kind of winter we are going to have.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Fall Season
Luckily I can gaze out my office window and view Sardine Canyon. This time of year the hillside is covered in the wonderful fall colors. It's amazing to me to see the orange, yellows and the greens mix so nicely with the reds. It's a site you never tire of and then.......augh!.....
the box elder bugs come. It's frightening to see the gorgeous view blocked by this wiggling mass of black bugs. My visitors don't dare come to the front door. Last year they were soooo bad that the vacuum stayed on for days (okay maybe not the whole day by most of it) we sucked and sucked up the annoying pests that always end up in the house. We do hope this year it won't be as bad. Funny how you give up one annoyance for another. In Syracuse it was the jets and the golfers. Life has its way of reminding us that the rose always has the thorn. Well guess I better go suck up some box elder bugs. Think of me in your bug free worlds.
the box elder bugs come. It's frightening to see the gorgeous view blocked by this wiggling mass of black bugs. My visitors don't dare come to the front door. Last year they were soooo bad that the vacuum stayed on for days (okay maybe not the whole day by most of it) we sucked and sucked up the annoying pests that always end up in the house. We do hope this year it won't be as bad. Funny how you give up one annoyance for another. In Syracuse it was the jets and the golfers. Life has its way of reminding us that the rose always has the thorn. Well guess I better go suck up some box elder bugs. Think of me in your bug free worlds.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Kids and teeth
Would it be wonderful to have your children with beautiful permanent teeth right from the beginning. It's amazing how much money goes into taking care of teeth. I guess our Adam is going to need braces. The funny thing about this is he is anxious to get them. I'm sure that will change fast. So now we will be looking into getting that going. It was wild to watch Adam at the dentist, I did two shifts with my kids; first it was Katee and Riley on Mon. and then Adam and Aubree on Tues. Aubree had to have a tooth pulled. Well Adam decided to watch. (which I could never do, I was gagging at the fact they were getting cleaned I do not have a strong stomach) The dentist had to cut the tooth in half to extract it. Adam watched the whole thing. Then we left 10 min. later. As we were walking out into the lobby Adam said, "I'm not feeling well." He went nice and white. We sat him down, he couldn't even hold on to the phone that was in his hand. He kept complaining about still needed to recline, so he laid on the floor (thank heavens no one else was in the lobby) I kept telling him to breath through his nose. Well after he laid there for a minute we got up to leave. The second we got in the elevator he slumped down in a pale mess again. I decided to go and ask the dentist what he thought, I mean he had a cavity fixed but didn't have any laughing gas or anything to relax him. The dentist said it was probably from watching Aubree. He said the blood pressure drops and makes one weak and faint. SO that's what we figured. He inherited that from his mother. I remember when Katee was eighteen months old and she stuck her finger in the weight machine as I was using it. It snapped off her fingernail. Just seeing the blood made me gag, I ran outside and yelled for my neighbor. SHe had to take us to the emergency room to get stitches.
Monday, September 22, 2008
warning from Danette
Okay so my spelling sucks, its just like when I text I forget to double check if the gammar and all the tech. stuff is right. I will try to do better, I have gotten lazy with spell check in the computer. So bare with me if it's wrong, but I've also read those proof paragraphs where the brain reads it right. So you might have to rely on that when your are reading my blog. I don't intentionally try to look absent-minded. My intentions are good, I'm just slow at checking the important stuff, I get to excited to be blogging, and writing and texting. Silly me.
Friday, September 19, 2008
fun playing family
It's only been a day and look people have commented, Hurrah!
Here's some low-down on the family. We are now doing the school thing, which is good so we call all get back into a schedule. In the morning we have to shifts, the early morning shift and the morning shift. First Aubree gets up, if she's not in the kitchen by 6:20 we know we have to search her down. She's out the door by 6:40 Then Adam is in the shower at 6:20 (it use to be his father showering first but he has snuck in. A funny: the other day Adam went to bed at 11pm on a Sat. then at 12am as I was lying in bed I heard the shower. I went down stairs to see who it was and it was Adam. I asked him what he was doing and he said, "my alarm went off." He is that automatic. The power went off and he didn't reset his alarm. I laughed and told him to get back in bed.) Adam has been walking a 1/2mile down the hill at 6:50 to catch the bus that Aubree was on. He then sits on the bus for an hour before he gets to school. We have one bus that goes to the middle school that starts at 7:20 then it goes to the high school that starts at 7:40 and its final stop is at the junior high for school to start at 8:00. Once he is out the door I have an hour before Katee and Riley are woken up. They leave at 8:35.
Then my day starts, as long as I don't get on the computer revising before getting exercised and ready for the day, if I get in that trap of revising then the day is already gone.
Gary's job is going well. We definitely jumped ship at the right time. The building industry sucks right now, we still have a house for sell that we are trying to get rid of. We've had three contracts fall threw. As for me I stumped, I'm wondering if I should get a part time job, or go back to school and take some courses on gammer. I only wished my books would be accepted at a publishing house. I have one sitting at Cedar Fort right now with my fingers crossed. So I have written three novels, and three children's books. Only one is really polished (at least with my limited knowledge) So my dying wish will be to break into print. The sad thing is there are two more stories sitting in my head that need to get one paper. The one that is pressing is a sequel to Abish. So you see that is a lot going on in the Hansen home.
Then my day starts, as long as I don't get on the computer revising before getting exercised and ready for the day, if I get in that trap of revising then the day is already gone.
Gary's job is going well. We definitely jumped ship at the right time. The building industry sucks right now, we still have a house for sell that we are trying to get rid of. We've had three contracts fall threw. As for me I stumped, I'm wondering if I should get a part time job, or go back to school and take some courses on gammer. I only wished my books would be accepted at a publishing house. I have one sitting at Cedar Fort right now with my fingers crossed. So I have written three novels, and three children's books. Only one is really polished (at least with my limited knowledge) So my dying wish will be to break into print. The sad thing is there are two more stories sitting in my head that need to get one paper. The one that is pressing is a sequel to Abish. So you see that is a lot going on in the Hansen home.
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